IF you are considering the purchase of your first LED video wall, then keep reading.
When you face the LED Screen industry for the first time, you are most probably overloaded with technical information, promises and ideas that are passed to you as hard facts.
The series of articles described below will explain how to avoid the most common, painful and expensive mistakes people make when buying a LED screen.
Here’s the summary of what we’ll discuss in the next articles:
- Nichia LEDs… or Not?
Some “manufacturers” promise you they are using 100% Nichia LEDs… but they are promising the impossible. Here’s why they are lying and how to recognize them.. - Dedicated Proprietary Control System
It actually sounds very professional, but this fancy denomination hides some serious drawbacks that nobody ever tells you, until it’s too late. - LED Screen in Franchising
Very interesting proposal. If you are a novice in the industry, the low initial investment can be very tempting… but not all that shines is gold! Here’s the nightmares stories of entrepreneurs that already tried it before you. - Resellers: Watch Out for their Conflict of Interest
On the market there are several options if you want to buy a LED screen, but not all are manufacturers… Here’s what you risk when buy from a reseller that has a conflict of interest in providing you the best equipment and how to recognize them.. - Air Conditioning: How to Solve a Problem at Your Expenses
Sometimes you might be told that you need to install the air conditioning on the screen, at any cost. While this makes sense in tropical areas, it is un-necessary for moderate climates… so why insisting? Here’s how they are trying to solve their problems at your expenses. - Prices Drops Dramatically before Closing the Order
Of course it is normal a little discount to seal the deal, but sometimes you‘ll see prices drop dramatically (over 30%) when you are pressured to close the order. Here’s why they are surely cheating you. - Best Quality at Lowest Prices, Thanks to Big Volumes?
Someone claims to use the best components on the market, and still be able to provide the lowest price on the market. Of course this sounds so tempting, and you wish it was true. But when you think about it rationally, this does not make sense. Here’s why it’s not possible. - The Photo-Book
This is a classic “hard-sell” technique, used in many Industries. When visiting a supplier, they will show you a photo-book where there are several nice pictures of what they claim to be their product and some ugly pictures of what they claim to be their competitor’s product.
Since this strategy can be counterproductive, it is used only with Customers that are considered less competent, since they won’t notice some incongruences… that we’ll explain into details. - “I Am the Real Supplier”
Some companies might claim to be the “supplier” of the company you are dealing with or – as a variant – they might claim (1) to have the same control system, (2) the same software, (3) to have “Italian Heart Inside”, or (4) even to have shares in the competitor company. Here’s how to recognize them. - Are You Getting the Same Product You Were Shown?
This is not a selling technique but a real scam, and you could take legal action against it… but prevent is better than cure. Here’s how it works: you could be shown (and then purchase) a digital billboard with a smaller resolution than declared. For example, you could be shown a pitch 6/12mm and told that it is a pitch 8/16mm… Here’s how you can make sure to get what you saw. - BONUS Tip – If YOU Are the Reseller
In case the reseller is you, be careful and never disclose the name of your final customer until you signed a Non Disclosure Agreement that protects you. Otherwise you risk that the supplier contacts directly the final Customer and you loose the business… This can happen especially in two circumstances: here they are.
Here’s the 10 tips to avoid costly pitfalls that you could regret for a long time. Please stay tuned as the followig articles will go deeper in each of them. If you can not wait, please come and see us or call at +39/011-954-1015 for further info.