How to choose a software to manage your LED screen
The purchase of a LED screen or a LED window display for shops cannot be truly complete if it’s not combined with a software that can remotely manage the publication of images, texts and videos.
The purchase of a LED screen or a LED window display for shops cannot be truly complete if it’s not combined with a software that can remotely manage the publication of images, texts and videos.
A LED Wall is an LED screen of various sizes made up of a series of square or rectangular LED modules which, assembled and placed side by side, make up a single large uniform surface on which images, transmitted by a computer and processed by a control unit, are shown.
In addition to screens traditionally used with computers and televisions, LED displays play an important role in the Advertising sector: we have analyzed it in this in-depth study, to try to highlight the potential of a versatile and effective Marketing tool.
There are several advantages represented by the use of an LED display purchased for advertising purposes: let’s find out in detail what they are.
The term LED has entered the day-to-day lexicon thanks to the ever-more widespread use of this technology, but do we really know it means? Here we will try to explain how this technology works, in layman’s terms.
As we can very well understand from the question of a past article, if you live in a Country were there is not a precise law regulating the installation of LED screens, than submitting the proposal can be very frustrating. Without a national law, each City Hall decides at its own judgment.
This is the time of the year when many Customers ask me about the operating temperature of the LED video walls. The winter has come and apparently this is going to be a cold one. So the question I hear a lot these days is “How cold is too cold?”
How do you make sure that your LED Screen supplier is as reliable as they say they are? This is a very important question, which anyone considering to purchase a LED Screen should ask themselves. Here are two true stories from LED billboards owners which you can learn from.
As always, after an exhibition, I come home with hundreds of new ideas and a better understanding of the digital billboards market. After talking with several customers and visiting several booths at the recent Viscom Italia in Milan I realized something that I already knew but that hit me…
Is air conditioning on digital billboards really needed? As it often happens, the answer is “it depends”.
But statistically, from my experience, I would say that only less than 10% of the LED screens needs it. Which means that more than 90% don’t need air conditioning.