Electronic Billboard, Guides & Tips, Our Company

Are You a LED Screens Manufacturer or a Hoax?

LED Screens Manufacturer or Hoax?

Lately I find every day on the internet a new “manufacturer” of LED screens which I was not aware of. All these new producers say that they have decades of experience and have manufactured and installed thousands of square meters of electronic billboards. They are all highly trained, very reliable and with an unparalleled experience.

Too bad that these thousands of square meters, these hundreds of installations worldwide and dozens of these various applications have always been made for third parties. And therefore they can not show any reference. No photo, no Customer feedback. Nothing.

That really sucks. Imagine how annoying it must be to have manufactured and installed all these screens and be able to show only a few pictures.

Manufacturers for Over 5, 10, 15 Years… More or Less!

Not to mention the fact that during the previous ten years of activities they must have worked on another planet, because a simple VAT number check or annual report check with the local chambre of commerce, would always shows that:

  • There is no annual report because the company was established less than 12 months ago
    But weren’t they on the market for over 10 years during which they have gained unmatched experience that in comparison General Electric is a novice?
  • They are Partnerships and not Corporations (therefore without deposited capital), and therefore all the liabilities are covered with the personal assets of the partners. Well, if they have any.
    Did they really have installed all these thousands of square meters under contract with third parties, although not establishing a Corporation?

    Hey, I believe that everybody is free to do what they want, but these are expensive equipments we are talking about! Is it possible that all these previous Customers they had, never asked for better guarantees than a Partnership can offer?

  • The VAT number is not available on the website so it is impossible to carry out a thorough check-up
    May not have been informed that in most European Countries since 2001 it is required to expose the VAT number on the homepage (article 35, paragraph 1 of decree DPR 633/72).

    Have they been too busy to install LED billboards around the world? Or is it that they are trying to avoid detailed audits by potential Customers?

I do not know, I smell a hoax … What do you think? Write your comment using the form below.

Post Scriptum

And why anyways the texts that I read on these sites are all similar to those that I wrote for EuroDisplay in the last 8 years? If only I had known these companies years ago I could have “taken inspiration” from the content of their websitse and I’d have saved a lot of work! 🙂

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