LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology was invented in 1962. While these components were initially only available in red, and were used primarily as indicators in electronic circuits, the range of colours and usage possibilities gradually widened to the point where they are today probably the most important tool in both the advertising and domestic lighting field. This is thanks to the numerous and significant advantages offered by LEDs.
Sustainability of LED Technology
The first point in favour of LED products is their low environmental impact – something which has become ever-more important over the last couple of decades. Unlike fluorescent lights, they do not contain mercury, and they generate five times more light than halogen or incandescent bulbs for the same power consumption. The lack of UV components also means that the light produced is cleaner, with the nice side effect that it does not attract insects. Also worthy of note is LEDs’ lack of warm-up time – virtually zero down to -40° – meaning that full light output is possible as soon as they are switched on. Finally, the robust nature of this technology means low-maintenance end products, driving down their costs and increasing their lifespans.
Advantages of LED technology in the advertising sector
As regards LED displays and maxi-screens in the world of advertising, this technology is used whenever a screen needs to draw the audience’s attention to a certain product or business, or to communicate specific information (for example the presence of a pharmacy nearby, the number of free parking spaces in a car park, traffic conditions on a motorway, or the score of a sports match). It is difficult to overestimate all the benefits that using this technology provides.
Indeed, LED maxi-screens completely fulfil the main goal of all advertising: to draw attention and arouse interest. The size, the vivid, brilliant colours, the dynamic nature of the images and words have the power to immediately capture the attention of even the most distracted passers-by. This type of communication is now much more engaging than traditional, static billboards, and the content can be changed as desired over a Wi-Fi connection. You simply need to create the content on a PC, upload it with the dedicated software and schedule it as required, i.e. decide what to display and when. This procedure allows for remarkable optimisation of investments.
Another strength of LED displays is the possibility to customise their shape and size, meaning that the creativity of the advertiser can be freely expressed, highlighting the effectiveness of their message and finding the ideal canvas to drive it.
Finally, the previously mentioned robustness of LED devices expands their range of possible uses, as these screens can be installed without protection even when they are likely to be exposed to water and foul weather and are impact resistant.
LED screens: a very powerful marketing tool
If we think about the impact that an LED screen – when used effectively – can have for a business in terms of visibility and ROI, it is intuitively clear how it represents an almost indispensable communication and marketing tool, every bit as important as an online web presence. You need only think about the immediacy, effectiveness and exceptional versatility with which it is possible to publicise any promotion or information on new products, services or particular initiatives aimed at the target in question.
For a local business, it is possible to show passers-by how exciting an activity is, or the attention it dedicates to its customers, with personalised messages and images which instantaneously capture the attention of those in the vicinity of an LED screen installed at its premises.
For businesses which do not have large store fronts, an LED screen can become a sort of virtual shop window to show off the products sold within, or illustrate the services offered.
On a national level, they are often present outside superstores and shopping centres, providing information on promotions, opening hours etc. for a city, region or entire country. Large billboard posters or banners, made to be used just once, in the knowledge that their colours will fade with exposure to sunlight or weather, are thus making way for a modern, effective and economically advantageous communication tool: the LED advertising screen.
In conclusion, the use of LED screens, totems and LED walls offers a wide range of advantages, and not just in financial terms – although these are the most immediately noticeable – but also from an environmental and creative perspective.