Dedicated Proprietary Control System. Wow, it actually sounds very professional. But this fancy denomination hides some serious drawbacks that nobody ever tells you, until it’s too late.
- The first problem is about transparency: even if the LED billboard has 2 years warranty (or more), the Control System has a 12 months warranty, as written in the sales contract (please, always read it carefully!).
- The second problem is about costs: what happen if control system brakes down after 13-14 months from the date of shipment? You are forced to buy a new one from the supplier… and you do not have any control on the price, which will be very high, as you can already imagine – usually around 7.000,00 EUR.
- The third problem is about freedom: by using such control system you are inevitably tied to the supplier for the entire lifetime of the screen. In fact, you do not have any other option: either you pay again or the screen will not work.
To avoid all this issues, EuroDisplay adopt an Open Plug-and-Play System based on the Apple Mac Mini. Basically EuroDisplay’s LED video walls are like huge DVI monitors that visualize anything you can show on the PC.
The Open Plug-and-Play System allows you to replace the Apple Mac Mini at any time with any other computer with a DVI output, like those you can easily find in stores.
I have heard countless stories of entrepreneurs like you that purchased from companies providing a “Dedicated Control System” and then were held hostages of their suppliers!
They were forced to pay huge amount of money to avoid having their screens shut-down for weeks… it goes without saying that their investment was not so successful in the end. Now you know, so please don’t make the same mistake.